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Join the TSD Spec Education/Disabilities PTA Committee
We invite parents/guardians/school personnel who are invested in students in Tahoma School district who receive special education services and/or have 504 plans to join our Special Education/Disabilities PTA!

 Please fill out the information below and we will add you to our group (no fees) and we will include you in our group and communications!  Looking forward to welcoming you all to our group!

Gratefully, Kim & Tatum, TSD Spec Education & Disabilities PTA Committee Chairs
Do you live in Tahoma School District and currently have a school aged child in Special Education (on an IEP plan) or on a 504 accommodation plan (pre-K to 12)? * *
Parent/Guardian/Relative/School Personnel/Advocate Last Name: *
Parent/Guardian/Relative/School Personnel/Advocate First Name: *
Parent/Guardian/Relative/School Personnel/Advocate Email Address: *
My interest in being a part of the TSD Spec Ed/Disabilities Group *
How many children do you have in K-12 with an educational disability that impacts learning? *
**If you don't have a child or aren't connected to a specific child, please list the school you are connected with below and then put n/a in required questions below.
Student's name (Last name, First Name for Child 1):
School for Student #1 *
What category (or categories) best describes your child's special needs? (For child #1) Check all that apply. *
Student's name (Last name, First Name for Child 2): *feel free to put n/a if this doesn't apply
School for Student #2
What category (or categories) best describes your child's special needs? (For child #2) Check all that apply. *
Student's name (Last name, First Name for Child 3): *feel free to put n/a if this doesn't apply
School for Student #3
What category (or categories) best describes your child's special needs? (For child #3) Check all that apply. *
Would you like for us to subscribe you to our Spec Ed/Disability PTA newsletter? *
Would you like for us to include your name and email address on our TSD Spec Ed & Disability Roster to be shared with our group members? *
Do you have any questions/notes/feedback you would like to pass along to the organizers about our group? We are happy to address these questions, etc via individual emails. *
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