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DNA Relationship Outliers
If you have a known relationship with a DNA match that is not included as a possibility in DNA Painter's Shared cM Project tool (, please report the relationship and centimorgan value here. The data will be used to improve relationship calculations. Thank you!

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What is the known relationship between the two people? *
How much DNA do the two people share (in centimorgans)? *
Which database was used to compare the two people? *
Do these two people come from an endogamous group? *
Please explain how the relationship was validated. (Example: My 2nd cousin shares an amount outside the normal range, but our parents match as expected for 1st cousins, and we each match our parent as parent–child.) *
Has this relationship been validated by another genetic genealogist? If so, who? *
You can add additional comments here.   (Optional)
If you are willing to have me contact you for follow-up information, please provide your email address.  (It will not be used for any other purpose aside from gathering more information for this survey.)
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