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The Burnout Meter
Wonder whether you are on your way to burnout? You don't have to wonder any longer! Take the Burnout Meter, a questionnaire developed by burnout expert and coach, Dr. Sharon Grossman. Then snag a time for your one-on-one call with Dr. Sharon to get your burnout score and discuss the steps you need to take to bounce back stronger than ever.
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On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = 10% or less of the time; 10 = 100% of the time) what percentage of the time do you feel stressed or overwhelmed? *
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = 10% or less of the time; 10 = 100% of the time) what percentage of the time do you use maladaptive coping strategies (e.g., emotional eating, drugs/alcohol, shopping) when you feel stressed or anxious? *
When you get done with your workday, how hard is it to turn work off and be present? *
Super easy
Super hard
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = 10% or less of the time; 10 = 100% of the time) when your mind catastrophizes, ruminates, and overindulges in the negative, what percentage of the time do you have trouble turning that around and feeling positive? *
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = 10% or less of the time; 10 = 100% of the time) what percentage of the time are you self-critical (instead of kind) to yourself? *
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = 10% or less of the time; 10 = 100% of the time) what percentage of the time does the fear of failure lead you to strive too hard? *
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = 10% or less of the time; 10 = 100% of the time) what percentage of the time do you feel dissatisfied even when you accomplish a lot? *
How much do you attribute your burnout to other people and/or your situation? *
Not at all
How important is it that your work be perfect? *
Not so important
Very important
How much do you agree with the statement: "I feel internal pressure to produce to prove my worth." *
Not at all
That's me!
Rank your typical energy level. *
I have to drag myself out of bed
I feel pumped up and ready to go!
When it comes to your work, how would you rate your engagement in it? *
I am overly/under-engaged
I am optimally engaged (efficient and effective)
What do you think about how long your work takes you to complete? *
It takes longer than I think it should. I get easily distracted/procrastinate
I get my work done efficiently
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = 10% or less of the time; 10 = 100% of the time) what percentage of the time do you tend to set realistic expectations for yourself? *
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = 10% or less of the time; 10 = 100% of the time) what percentage of the time does it seem you have enough time or energy for self-care? *
What is your level of motivation to work? *
Extremely low
Off the charts
How purposeful does your work feel? *
Not at all
I'm incredibly fulfilled
How hard is it for you to prioritize when there are a lot of things you need to do? *
Incredibly hard
Super easy
How well do you manage your time at work? (If you are booked back-to-back give yourself a low score. If you take breaks throughout the day to recharge, give yourself a high score). *
Not very well
Very well
How satisfied do you feel in your career? *
Not at all
I'm flying high
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