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Student Information Form (Goeddel /3B)
Welcome to Third Grade! Please complete this important questionnaire.  This information will be used to help keep your child's safety a top priority and to keep our lines of communication open!  Thank you!                                

Email *
Child's First and Last Name *
Parents' First and Last Name *
Parent(s) Email(s)-List the email address that you want to receive information from your student's teachers and can be easily and readily contacted. PLEASE indicate the parent's name next to the email address. *
Parent(s)Best Contact Phone Number- If listing multiple phone numbers, please indicate parent's name beside each phone number *
How will your child get home on the FIRST day of school? *
If your child will ride a bus or daycare van, PLEASE indicate which one below.                                                   You may write "none" if your child will NOT be riding a bus or van.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The office personnel will be more than happy to assist you with this or you can go the transportation tab on Columbia County's website at if you are not certain. *
Captionless Image
Does your child have any siblings at Stevens Creek? If so, please list their name(s) and grade(s) and Homeroom teacher's name(s)? *
Will your child go home a different way AFTER the first day or week of school? *
If you indicated that that your child will go home a different way AFTER the first day or week of school, please tell us HOW your child is getting home in the afternoon.  Indicate "car" or SPECIFIC bus or daycare. *
Does your child have any allergies or health concerns? *
Does your child have any dietary restrictions? *
If you answered "yes", please list any dietary restrictions. (For example: no meat, no dairy, etc.) *
Please feel free to add any additional information you think will be helpful.  If not, type, "none". *
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