BCHS YSC Student Needs Assessment 15-16
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Do you currently live with:
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Do you or your family need assistance or info on Dental, vision, or Health Services?
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Do you or your family need assistance or info on Anger/Conflict management?
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Do you or your family need assistance or info on Pregnancy or Parenting?
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Do you or your family need assistance or info on suicidal thoughts for yourself or concern for a friend?
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Do you or your family need assistance or info on self-esteem?
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Do you or your family need assistance or info on stress management?
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Do you need to talk to someone about private issues?
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Do you need to talk to someone about the death of a friend or family member?
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Do you or your family need assistance with  clothing?
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Do you or your family need assistance with food at home?  
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Do you or your family need assistance with  utilities (water, electric, gas)?
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Do you or your family need assistance with  health insurance?
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I feel pressure from others to take drugs.
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I use tobacco products regularly.
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I have had problems at school/court with drugs/alcohol.
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I use marijuana regularly.
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I use prescription drugs that are not mine.
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I use other illegal drugs regularly.
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Do you need tutoring assistance?
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Do you need information on career options?
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I am confident in filling out a job application.
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I am confident in my ability to write a resume.
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I am confident in my interviewing skills.
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I know how to apply for college.
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I know how to complete my FAFSA.
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To be able to make decisions about a future career or college, I need......
What do you consider the MOST important issue affecting students at BCHS ?
Would you like to see more activities after school or in the summer (other than sports) offered at BCHS?  If so, what do you feel is most needed?
Name (optional)
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