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SCARABEUS Webinar Series - 06. Design and simulation of turbomachinery - Registration Form
The SCARABEUS consortium is happy to announce its Webinar Series covering the fundamentals of Concentrated Solar Power plant modelling and simulation. This series of webinars is aimed at, precisely, providing attendees with a good overview and understanding of the tools available to simulate the performance of complex CSP plants in order to help them become started in power plant analysis or even select the methodology that fits in best with their objectives.

The sessions will be comprised of a 45 minutes introduction to each specific topic followed by 30 minutes Q&A. Registration is required two weeks in advance and specific to each webinar. In order to enable a lively discussion in the Q&A session, the total number of participants will be limited to 30 people.

You are currently registering for:

Webinar: 06. Design and simulation of turbomachinery
Partner: City University of London
Date: Wednesday, January 20
Webinars are due to start at 13:30 (CET) and end at 14:30 (CET)
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Area of interest in CSP *
This registration is issued pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on protection of natural persons with regard to personal data processing and in compliance with the legislation on personal data processing, as well as on the free movement of such data *
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