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Development Research Communications Workshop - FINAL REGISTRATION (DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 9th)
Agence française de développement/French Development Agency
5, rue Roland Barthes, Paris  (
October 10-11 2024


Thursday, October 10th

10.00-10.30 :     Welcome remarks and introductions

10.30-12.00 :     Input and Discussion Session I 

Beyond Event Fatigue: Organizing and Promoting Better In-Person, Hybrid and Online Development Research Events

12.00-13.30:      Break (lunch provided by host institution)

13.30-15.00:      Input and Discussion Session II

Building an Audience Across Global Divides: Towards Greater Inclusivity in Development Research Communications

15.00-15.30:      Coffee Break

15.30-17.00:      Input and Discussion Session III

The Media Toolbox for Development Communicators: Evolving Strategies for Media Pitching and Media Relations

18.00-21.00       Reception


Friday, October 11th

10.00-12.00 :     Practical Workshops I (four parallel streams; participants attend two 1-hour workshops)

                            Podcasts/Short form videos /IA tools for social media/Webinars

12.00-13.00 :     World Café and workshop conclusions

13.00-14.30 :     Break (lunch provided by host institution)

14.30-16.30:      Site visit (TBC)

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Are you interested in providing input on one of the following topics in the form of a 15-minute presentation?

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The workshop will include four practical sessions. Choose two from the list below that you would like to attend:


Are you interested in sharing practical tips during one of the practical sessions? If so, which one?

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What topic(s) related to research communications would you like to discuss during the World Café segment?

The host institution will provide lunch on both days of the workshop. Please indicate your choice of meal:


Do you have any dietary restrictions?

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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