Thank you for choosing AAC & Me, LLC to support your student's communication needs!
Please complete this Training and Consultation request form in its entirety to formally request an evaluation for your student.
Please note the differences between a Training vs. a Consultation Request:
- AAC Training - Select this option if the student was recently evaluated by AAC & Me, LLC and requires a team and family training on the newly acquired technology that was recommended in the recently completed evaluation report. Think: Educating, Review, Building Knowledge
- AAC Consultation - This option should only be selected if an AAC & Me Clinician has previously worked with or trained the student's staff members, student, and/or family. Think of this more as a "follow-up", as opposed to an "introduction". Think: Problem Solving, Fine Tuning, Guidance
Your assigned consultant will contact you upon receipt of this form to schedule your requested service.