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EPTA Piano Festival and Masterclasses- Application Form
8th EPTA Portugal Piano Festival and Masterclasses- 15th to 22nd of July 2022, Ponte de Lima.

Masterclasses with pianists Luis Pipa and Hande Dalkilic directed  at piano students with ages between 16 and 35 years old.

The number of "active participants" is limited. In case the number is exceeded, there is a possibility of a "pre-audition".

Discount for EPTA Portugal members.

Priority will be given to the "active participants" in terms of accommodation, but in case the number is not exceeded, space will be open for the "observers".

Deadline for application is 31st of May.

The number of applications is limited. Participants will be chosen based on their curriculum and repertoire presented. Results will be published on the first week of June.

After confirmation that you have been approved in the masterclass, the application will be accepted after we receive the transfer receipt that should be sent to the email

Bank transfer should be sent to EPTA Portugal account: PT50 - 0033-0000-45449327691-05.

*Accommodation is organized in full-board basis with transport included to the concerts of the Festival.
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