Friends & Family Survey
Hey there y'all,

On behalf of the entire team, we sincerely appreciate you taking the time to participate in the Recs Friends & Family Survey. As initial users of the app, your input will be incredibly valuable with the launch of a product we believe could actually help many, many people have a little bit more social, little bit more connected life. And that means a lot to us.  

The questions in this survey will help us determine which features to develop further, when to develop them, and how to go about it. In addition, this survey will guide the future of Recs’ communication with potential users, such as identifying who to approach, how to approach them, and where they are most likely to learn about us.

Thanks again! 

Sean, Jesse, Amber, Lisa, Enis, and the Recs Team.

First Name
Last name *
Referred by *
email address

(Years-old, not DoB:))
Highest Completed Level of Education
Current Profession
Current Relationship Status
Where do you currently live?  (metro area) *
Recs question time!  

When was the first time you downloaded Recs and opened the app?
What type of app do you think Recs is best classified as? (pick one)
Does Recs solve a problem for you that hasn't been solved by other apps you use? *
How comfortable are you sharing your phone number with Recs? *
How comfortable are you sharing your location while using Recs? *
How comfortable are you sharing your friends/contacts on Recs? *
How easy is it to understand getting started on Recs? *
How often do you use Recs? *
How easy is it to understand how to make a 'wanna go' or a 'rec'? *
How easy is it to find a rec, wanna go, or mental note when you're looking for it on the app? *
How easy is it to find a friend in the app? *
Which of the 3 features (Rec, Wanna go, Mental Note) is most helpful for you? 
Since you started using Recs, how many people have you shared the app with?  *
Do you think you will keep using Recs in the future? *
Right now, only your friends can see your recs. This is by design. 

In the future, do you think it would be beneficial for you to be able to have a 'public page' option, where anyone can see your recs and wanna go's? 
Do you think Recs is a valuable tool for when you travel to new places? *
Which features do you wish Recs had but it currently does not?
How badly do you want a new app to solve the problem that Recs is trying to solve? *
How do you usually find out about new apps? 

(note: for any kind of new app)
How likely are you to download an app after seeing a digital ad for it? 

Examples: instagram ad, app store ad, facebook ad, or on any other digital content
How likely are you to download an app if a friend tells you about it? *
Would you 'follow' notable community members if they were on Recs? 
(examples: chefs, journalists, bartenders, artists) 
Not sure I'll continue using Recs
If you're not sure you'll continue using Recs, why not?  *
Onboarding difficulty
If difficult at all, why? *
Creating 'wanna go's and 'recs' difficulty
If difficult at all, why? *
Finding 'mental notes' 'wanna go's and 'recs' difficulty
If difficult at all, why? *
Finding Recs friends in-app difficulty
If difficult at all, why? *
Did not share Recs with any friends
If you didn't share Recs with friends, why not? *
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