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The Green Room Indication of Interest - Panelists

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Title *
Email (Company Email Preferred) *
LinkedIn Profile *
Company Name *
Company Website *
Stages Most Relevant to You *
Areas of Interest *
Industries, themes, business models, technologies, geographies, etc.
Why Are You Interested in The Green Room? *
Unique/Special Expertise
For example: product strategy, GTM, storytelling, etc. 

Confidentiality Agreement

Before we embark on our shared journey of open and honest discussions, we kindly request your commitment to maintaining the confidentiality of the conversations and information exchanged within this special space. Trust and respect are the bedrock of The Green Room's promise, and your cooperation will ensure that everyone can fully benefit from the experience. 

Please remember: one bad apple can ruin the potential benefits for many. Let us create an environment of trust, respect, and confidentiality within The Green Room, fostering an atmosphere conducive to growth, learning, and innovation.

Keep It Confidential: As a participant in The Green Room, we trust that you will treat all information, ideas, opinions, and discussions shared here as confidential. This means that what happens in The Green Room stays in The Green Room. 

Sharing with Care: We kindly ask that you refrain from disclosing, sharing, reproducing, or transmitting any information or discussions from The Green Room to those who were not present. Let's keep the excitement and insights within our cherished circle of Roomies.

Privacy Matters: We understand that the topics discussed in The Green Room can be personal, sensitive, or proprietary. We kindly ask you to respect the privacy of all participants by keeping their contributions confidential.

Building for the Future: By honoring this confidentiality agreement, you contribute to a safe and welcoming environment for future participants. Your dedication to preserving trust, openness, and free exchange of ideas ensures that The Green Room remains a valuable experience for all.

Preserving the Magic: A single breach of our confidentiality agreement can have unintended consequences. It may erode the trust we have built and hinder future participants from sharing their valuable insights and experiences. Let's protect the magic of The Green Room by upholding this agreement together.

Roomies' Promise: Your fellow Roomies trust that you will handle the information shared in The Green Room with the utmost care and respect. Unintentional breaches may happen, but we rely on your integrity and goodwill to avoid any unauthorized disclosures.

As a participant in the Green Room you acknowledge that any information or feedback or commentary provided by a panelist to you should be kept confidential and is being shared for your internal use only.

By entering The Green Room, I affirm that I have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this confidentiality agreement. I acknowledge that failure to adhere to these terms may result in being denied access to The Green Room in the future.

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