Delegate O’Bannon’s 2016 Session Survey
The following are important public policy issues that may be considered by the General Assembly during the 2016 Legislative Session.  Please take a few moments to let me know where you stand on these important issues.  If you are undecided on an issue, feel free to leave the corresponding question blank.

Authorized and paid for by O'Bannon for House.
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The results of the survey will be e-mailed to respondents. If you would like to see the results of the survey for the entire 73rd district, please provide your email address.
1. From the following list of issues, which issue do you believe should be the top priority of the Virginia House of Delegates?
[Please rank your responses 1 = Highest Priority, 8 = Lowest Priority]
Creating jobs and improving the economy 
Making higher education more affordable and accessible
Improving transportation 
Improving health care 
Improving K-12 education
Cutting wasteful government spending 
Holding the line against higher taxes 
Fighting ObamaCare and federal government overreach
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2. Do you support or oppose Virginia adopting Obamcare’s optional Medicaid expansion plan? While expansion would enroll up to 400,000 currently uninsured Virginians in Medicaid, it could cost the Commonwealth of Virginia over $1 billion per year, forcing cuts to other key services like education, mental health and public safety.
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3. Do you support or oppose ending Virginia’s requirement that private entities prove to the government that there is a “need” for expanded services before being allowed to build or expand healthcare facilities like hospitals or medical imaging centers?
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4. Charter schools are unique public schools that operate under a specific charter. They are given more flexibility to innovate while still being held accountable for advancing student achievement. They are open to all children, do not charge tuition, and do not have special entrance requirements. Virginia has only nine charter schools, while New York has over 200. Would you support or oppose a constitutional amendment to encourage the creation of more charter schools in Virginia?
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5. School choice refers to the idea that parents and children should have a variety of traditional and non-traditional educational options available to ensure that each student’s learning experience helps them meet their full potential. Which of the following school choice options do you support? [Check all that apply.]
6. Do you support or oppose allowing children living in Virginia, who are in the country illegally because their parents illegally entered the United States, to attend taxpayer-subsidized colleges and universities at in-state tuition rates?
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7. Considering the revelation that some Planned Parenthood chapters have been selling the body parts of aborted fetuses for profit, do you support or oppose a state investigation into Planned Parenthood chapters in Virginia?
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8. Over the last two years, the General Assembly adopted a number of reforms to Virginia’s transparency, disclosure and ethics laws. Those reforms included (a) creating a $100 gift cap, (b) creating a statewide ethics advisory commission, (c) requiring more frequent disclosures, (d) requiring all disclosure forms be posted online, (e) requiring mandatory ethics training for elected officials. Which of the following do you believe?
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9. Would you support or oppose legislation that would fast track the licensure and certification process for veterans entering areas of employment where they already have significant training? For example, under this proposal, a medical corpsman would be able to obtain a Medical Technician or EMT license in approximately half the time than a student with no other training.
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10. Attorney General Herring recently invalidated reciprocity for the residents of 25 states who hold valid concealed-carry firearms permits.  As a result, the permits of Virginia residents may no longer be recognized in many of those states.  Do you support or oppose legislation restoring Virginia’s reciprocity agreements for concealed-carry permit with other states?
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11. What do you believe are the top three issues Virginia lawmakers should address during the 2014 Session?
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