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2024 CSSWA Overall Conference Evaluation
Please answer the following questions to provide feedback for the 2024 Colorado School Social Work Conference "Growing Connected Communities". Your feedback is used to improve future conferences.

Completion of this form will produce a link for your Certificate of Attendance.
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How would you rate your overall satisfaction with this conference? *
Not at all Satisfied
Extremely Satisfied
Select the sessions that were most enjoyable or valuable to you.  *
What was your favorite session(s)?
What topics would you want added for future conferences?
How would you rate the opportunity to network at this conference? *
How would you rate the comfort and conveniences of the conference venue? 
How likely are you to attend another CSSWA Conference? *
Not likely
Would definitely attend another CSSWA Conference
How likely are you to attend a multi day CSSWA Conference in a hotel setting? *
Not likely
Would definiteley attend a multi day CSSWA conference
CSSWA is interested in making our conference several days and at a hotel. Any suggestions on future locations?
If you were not satisfied with the conference experience this year, what suggestions can you provide that would make it more satisfactory for you? 
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