How Altitude Affects Temperature
Temperature varies across the earth for various reasons. Altitude is one of the few reasons for why some places experience colder while others experience warmer temperatures.
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Altitude refers to *
Temperature decreases by ____ for every _________. *
Which two factors affect temperature based on altitude? *
The sun's solar energy enters through the atmosphere in the form of *
The surface of the earth which is warmed up by the sun, emits heat in the form of *
About ______ of the total solar energy is directly absorbed by the earth's surface. *
Air that is nearer to the earth, is nearer to the source of heat. Therefore temperatures are higher at the lower altitudes as compared to the higher altitudes. *
Air is less dense at the higher altitudes, therefore it is not able to absorb more heat from longwave radiation. *
Denser air is able to absorb more heat, thus resulting in higher temperatures at the lower altitude. *
Temperature decreases with increasing altitude. *
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