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Titanenkinder Waiting List
By filling in this questionnaire you express your interest in joining our waiting list. Please read this text very carefully.
Firstly, we need you to give us all the information needed below. If you get a spot at our game, additional information will be asked for, but we will avoid collecting these in case we don't need them.
Second, our waiting list requires a deposit of 10€ as written on our website. To become a member of our waiting list, please transfer the deposit to

Christian Horsch

IBAN: DE50 2004 1155 0838 4356 00


Bank: Comdirect

The time of receipt of the money determines the order on our waiting list. Only if you fill in this questionnaire and deposit 10€ on our bank account we will look for a spot for you. We will not remind you via e-mail if we don't receive the money.

We will return the deposit if we weren't able to offer you a spot until two weeks before the game starts.
We will offset the deposit against our participation fee if you accept a spot offered.
We will keep the deposit if we offer you a spot and you do not react within 14 days or decline the spot.
We will also return the deposit if you ask for it before you're offered a spot by us.

If any questions come up or you run into trouble due to international bank transfers, please contact us at
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What is your name?
Do you have other names which you use within the LARPing community, e.g. discord, nicknames etc.?
We do not publish a list with all participants. But if there is any person that would cause you to stay away from our game, we would like to know about that and keep that in mind. If you get a spot, we will check on our player list if that person is already registered. If they are, we will keep you on the waiting list in case that person drops out. Please name any such person down below. You can also add a person to this list via e-mail at any later point, but if that person is already signed up, we will not ask them to resign, so we need to have these information beforehand. Of course we will not share this information with anyone, especially not with that person.
Birthdate - You need to be at least 18 years old when the game takes place to participate
Consent of data processing
The data collected here will be processed for the purpose of organizing the event and participants will be contacted by email with information about this event. This consent can be withdrawn at any time and the deletion of the data can be requested. To do so, simply send an email to
Pictures and videos
I am aware that photos and videos will be taken at the event and made available to other players after the event. Images may also be used for advertising purposes, for example to promote future events or for press articles.
I can request the deletion of photos or videos in which I have a prominent part. All I need to do is send an e-mail to
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