Hands-on Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology
Please complete the form below to register for the workshop to be held in Cardiff on 15-16th April 2015. Places and funding are both limited, so you will be emailed to confirm your place and whether your funding request has been successful.

Closing date: 27th March 2015
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Your details
Name *
Your name
Email *
Email where you can be contacted.
What is your position in the school? *
This will help us tailor the meeting to the paricipants
What age range(s) do you teach? *
This will help or tailor the meeting to the participants (tick all that apply)
What is your experience with teaching astronomy in the classroom?
Tell us (briefly) what your experience with teaching (or practising) astronomy is.
School/institution details
Please provide details about your school
School/Institution Name *
School/institution location *
The town/city and region where your school is located
Sector *
Sector the school/institution falls into
Is your school/institution participating (or intending to participate) in Inspiring Science Education, Open Discovery Space or Go-Lab? *
Tick all that apply
Any other comments about your school?
Financial support and Funding
Funding for teachers, tutors, technicians and teaching assistants at state schools, academies and colleges is available through the National Science Learning Centre ENTHUSE Awards. The award will provide a bursary of £400, providing all three days are available.
Would you like to apply for additional financial support?
We have a limited budget, but further support to cover expenses may be available to teachers who need it. This additionalSupport is limited to one teacher per school, with priority given to schools which are participating in Inspiring Science Education, Open Discovery Space and Go-Lab. You will be contacted to confirm whether your request for funding has been successful.
Clear selection
Please state any exceptional circumstances (if applicable) relating to your funding application?
For example, if you are likely to have particularly high travel costs, or if you would like to request funding for more than one teacher. Our response will depend on demand and budgetary requirements.
This information is to help us plan the meeting as best as possible. None of the responses are binding at this stage - more details will follow.
Do you think you will need accommodation before, during or after the meeting? *
Indicative choice, and not binding at this stage. More details to follow.
Do you think you will be driving?
Indicative choice, and not binding. Purely to help us with planning and logistics. More details to follow.
Clear selection
Will you be able to bring a laptop computer? *
We have a computer suite for use during parts of the conference, but participants may want to use their own computers for some of the sessions. Wireless internet access will be available.
Any dietary requirements?
Any other comments?
Anything else you would like to tell us as part of the registration process?
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