BEHAVORIAL AGREEMENT: At St. John's UMC, we believe that all people are loved by God. In response to God's love for us, we need to show love and respect for ourselves and others. Our behavior should reflect this love and respect and include these qualities: Patience, Honesty, Kindness, Generosity, Cooperation, Gratitude and Self-Control. Should a situation arise where behavior of a my child disrupts classroom activities, my child will be removed from the situation. Inappropriate behavior towards another individual, church property, vehicles, the property of another individual or churches we may visit during an event may result in my child being financially liable for their actions. In the event of property damage, my child and I agree to reimburse all damages caused by my child. Should it be necessary for my child to return home from a St. John's UMC event that takes place off premises, due to medical or disciplinary reasons, prior to the end of an event, I, the undersigned, shall assume all transportation responsibility and costs. *