Casual Aleph
"Casual Aleph" is a casual get-together on our Rothschild rooftop. Our goal is to create opportunities you didn't know were out there, by bringing together entrepreneurs and discussing relevant topics.

You will be asked to go and reach out to 3 people you don't know. You need & should get out of your comfort zone.

Invitation is +1 - you get to invite someone you feel that fellow entrepreneurs must meet. Don't bring your co-founder, significant other or childhood friend. Help us build the Israeli eco-system.
Casual Aleph has 3 principles:
- Small group of people.
- The crowd is comprised of about 50/50 established and up and coming entrepreneurs to facilitate a new kind of collaboration.
- We (Aleph) are the facilitators but not the center of the event. That said, you should always feel free to grab us for a conversation.

If you'd like to join, fill out the form below. We will be sending confirmations shortly. If we can't accommodate you for this get together, you'll get priority in the next one.

The pizza and beer are on us, great discussion is on you!
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What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
What's your LinkedIn profile URL? *
Company name *
What are you working on now?
tell us about you venture, non profit or other initiative
Which topics are you interested to learn more about?
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