CS103 Problem Set 3 Feedback, Fall 2013
We want this course to be as good as it can be, and we'd really appreciate your feedback on how we're doing.  For a free five points, please answer the following questions.  We'll give you full credit no matter what you write (as long as you write something!), but we'd appreciate it if you're honest about how we're doing.
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i. How hard did you find this problem set?  How long did it take you to finish?  Does that seem unreasonably difficult or time-consuming for a five-unit class?
ii. Did you attend a recitation section this week?  If so, did you find it useful?
iii. Did you read the online course notes?  If so, did you find them useful?
iv. How is the pace of this course so far?  Too slow?  Too fast?  Just right?
v. Is there anything in particular we could do better?  Is there anything in particular that you think we're doing well?
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