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Yes, I’d be interested in a Chinese Whispers newsletter from The Spectator

Chinese Whispers is Cindy Yu's fortnightly podcast on Chinese politics, society and more. We will soon be launching a corresponding email newsletter: a round-up of the latest economic, cultural and political headlines from China. Everything you love about the podcasts in newsletter form, in other words. If you'd like to receive it, sign up below.

Click here to listen to the podcast:

Podcast reviews:

Chinese Whispers ‘is not intimidating but enlightening and expansive. It goes high and low: expect analysis of Beijing’s treatment of the Uighurs, but also topics such as the Chinese love of drinking’ – the Sunday Times

In recent years the podcasts have added enormously to the Spectator’s stable. I particularly value Cindy Yu’s Chinese Whispers podcast, helping to understand China be looking at it from a range of viewpoints.’ – James Cleverly, Foreign Secretary

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