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Camp Mamittuq 2022 Registration
Camp Mamittuq is a health career camp that will be held from June 13-17, 2022 at NSHC’s beautiful Camp Nuuk, located near Safety Sound, east of Nome. Mamittuq in Inupiaq means 'heals'. This camp will be a positive, safe, and most importantly, fun experience for all who come! At this camp students will receive:

-Wilderness First Aid certification from Desert Mountain Medicine
-QPR suicide prevention certificate
-Learn valuable knowledge from local cultural bearers
-Connect with NSHC’s CAMP, IÑUA, and Native Connections program and many others

Those who complete the one-week long camp will also earn college credit – cost free!
BSSD and Nome freshman-graduating seniors (9th-12th graders) are encouraged to apply!

All travel, lodging, and food will be paid for. Students will be required to stay at the camp for the duration of the time. Solar showers, latrines, cots and/or bunks, as well as fresh water hauled from Nome will be available.
If an emergency occurs and you are unable to attend the camp, a flight will be purchased for you to return home. Students can be released to family in Nome only if prior arrangements have been made between the Camp Director and the parents.

The camp is hosted by NSHC’s IÑUA (Intergenerational Native Understanding & Abundance) program and Northwest AHEC (Area Health Education Centers).

Your application will be scored and you will be informed of your acceptance by May 5th.

For any questions please contact Camp Directors Vincent Villella <> or Kira Eckenweiler <>
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Email *
This application is due by May 1st 2022 at 12am midnight.
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender: Male/Female/ Etc.
Where do you currently live?
Zip Code:
High School:
Grade: 9? 10? 11? 12?
What are your hobbies?
Emergency Contact 1. (Include name, phone number, relationship to you)
Emergency Contact 2. (Include name, phone number, relationship to you)
Essay #1 - Tell us why you are applying for Camp Mamittuq and what you hope to get out of this experience.
Essay #2 - What do you foresee as your biggest challenge at Camp Mamittuq and how do you plan to overcome this challenge?
Non Negotiable Agreement - The following behaviors are neither acceptable nor tolerated at Mamittuq. Committing any of the activities listed below will result in immediate expulsion from the program: 1) Weapons/Violence 2) Possession and/or usage of alcohol, drugs, or drug paraphernalia 3) Inappropriate relationships and/or attitudes  4) Leaving the group without permission  5) Stealing Discipline Action: Student sent home upon parent notification and at parent's expense                                                                        6) Possession and/or usage of tobacco products First Infraction: Second Infraction: Discipline. Student sent home  ******In the Case that a Non-Negotiable is Broken: Camp Director will contact the parent(s) of the student. Once this process is completed, the student will be sent home on the next available flight, at the expense of the parent and/or student. ******* I have read and understand the non-negotiable agreement and I agree to follow the expectations. By putting my name below I am saying I have read the above text and understand what will happen if I break a non-negotiable rule.
To participate in Camp Mamittuq you need a release signed by a parent / guardian. Below please put the name, email and phone number of your parent or guardian.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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