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NEEHU 14/EEEHU 4 Presentation Submission Form
Thank you for submitting a presentation proposal for NEEHU!

One class equivalent equals number of classes presented divided by number of presenters. IE if person A and person B present a class together, and person A presents a solo class, and person B organizes a social event with person C, person A has 1.5 class equivalents, person B has 1 class equivalent, and person C has 0.5 class equivalents.

Presenters submitting at least 2 class equivalents (IE 2 solo classes or 4 co-presented classes) get free admission to the in person event.

Presenters submitting at least 1 class equivalent (IE teaching a solo class, or co-presenting 2 classes) get free admission to the online event.

Everyone presenting gets the $50 registration rate.
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What is your scene name?
This is what we will call you at the con! It will be listed on the schedule, and it should be similar to your Discord name!
What is your discord handle? (including the number)
Format should be Name#1234, often found in the lower left corner of Discord.
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