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Getting Climate Control Under Control Declaration

As the cultural sector, we acknowledge that the climate crisis is caused by human activities, including those of the art world. We recognize our own contributions and are committed to addressing our carbon footprint and unsustainable practices. As artists, directors, conservators, museum practitioners, cultural professionals, collectors, insurers, lawyers, and sustainability advocates, we are deeply concerned about the role of the cultural sector in this topic, particularly given our role as trusted institutions of learning and knowledge, as storytellers, and as purveyors of history and society. In addressing the climate crisis, we look to engage consciously by being transparent about our actions and actively reducing our own impacts so that we may continue to be effective advocates for change. 

One of the most energy intensive aspects of the art and cultural world is climate control. Climate control can be responsible for 60% or more of the energy consumption of a museum or gallery! By changing climate control conditions, museums could save between 24% up to 82% on their energy consumption. And many museums are using conditions that are not tailored to their collections, consuming energy unnecessarily. It is clear that this is the most urgent practice to address to significantly lower the carbon footprint of the sector. 

However, simply flipping the switch is unfortunately not that easy.  

Climate control was implemented into the art and museum world as “best practice” in the 1960s, when guidelines were requested for conservation. Rigid temperature and relative humidity set points were implemented globally by museums, galleries, transportation companies and other stakeholders to prolong the life and condition of artworks and material objects. 

Over the last 20 years, continued scientific research has shown that it is completely possible for museums to continue to preserve and protect their collections without rigid climate control. New guidelines have been developed promoting less stringent ranges and encouraging museums to adapt more bespoke settings based on their collections, historical conditions, and geographic location, amongst other criteria. Adaptation of these new practices could save millions - in money and in carbon.

However, many museums are still reluctant to change or feel unable to implement these new practices. Institutions may feel a pressure to keep rigid standards for the sake of professionalism or because they don’t want to be perceived as having low standards. Meanwhile, many loan agreements include strict and unnecessary requirements for borrowing objects, both from other institutions and from private collectors.

This all results in a vicious cycle. Museums can’t make changes individually, because they then will be excluded from international loans or their collections' care standards will be questioned. This is a sector-wide issue and needs a collective solution. 

It is time for museums to work together towards securing the safe and sustainable future, considering our heritage, our art, and our planet. 

Aligning with the targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No.13 ‘Climate Action’ and the Paris Agreement to uphold the world’s commitment to reduce our carbon emissions by 50% by 2030, we are hereby addressing the climate control and loan agreement situations at our individual institutions and within the cultural sector at large. We call for a change in loan agreement requirements so that climate control can be regulated more flexibly protecting both our heritage and our planet.

Declaration initiated by:
Tino Sehgal, ART 2030, and Ki Culture 

Signatories include:
Alvaro Rodriguez Fominaya, Director, MUSAC
Ana Elizabeth Gonzalez, Director, Museo del Canal 
Bart Ankersmit, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Researcher
Beatrix Ruf, Director, Hartwig Art Foundation
Carolyn Holmes, Executive Director, Nanaimo Art Gallery
Carson Chan, Director, Emilio Ambasz Institute - MoMA
Claude Corongiu, Director, Galleria Macca
Daniela Zyman, Artistic Director, TBA21
Filipa Ramos, Artistic Director, Department of Contemporary Art City of Porto
Gallery Climate Coalition
Gilane Tawadros, Director, Whitechapel Gallery
Guillermo Solana, Artistic Director, Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza
Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Director, Serpentine Gallery
Hiuwai Chu, Head of Exhibitions, MACBA
Inés Jover, Director, CIMAM 
Ivet Ćurlin, Nataša Ilić, Sabina Sabolović (WHW), Artistic Directors, Kunsthalle Wien
Jochen Volz, General Director, Pinacoteca de São Paulo
Joel Taylor, Senior Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research
John McGrath, Artistic Director, Manchester International Festival/Factory International
John Tain, Head of Research, Asia Art Archive
Juan Ignacio Vidarte, Director General, Guggenheim Bilbao 
Julie Decker, Director/CEO, Anchorage Museum
Kate Seymour, Chair, ICOM-CC
Krise Junge-Stevnsborg, Director, Malmo Art museum
Laura Lupton, Co-Founder, Galleries Commit and Artists Commit
Maria Balshaw, General Director, Tate Galleries 
Mark Quail, Managing Director, Queen's Fine Art
Mona Mekouar, Independent Curator
Nancy Spector, Independent Curator
Paul Spies, Director, Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin
Pierre Huyghe, Artist
Ralph Rugoff, Director, Hayward Gallery
Richard Martin, Director of Education & Public Programmes, Whitechapel Gallery
Robert Janes, Founder, the Coalition of Museums for Climate Justice
Sebastian Cichocki, Chief Curator, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
Simone Sentall, Head of Collection, TBA21
Theodor Ringborg, Director, Konsthall Tornedalen
Thor Nørmark-Larsen, Head Registrar, SMK National Gallery of Denmark 
Yasmil Raymond, Director, Portikus
Yipei Lee, Director, SUAVEART 

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