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St Joseph's Swimming Carnival 2020 - Thursday 13 February
Our annual school swimming carnival will be held at Manly Swim Centre on THURSDAY 13th February, 2020 for Years 2-6 students only.  

Please submit this form no later than Wednesday 5 February, 2020.

IMPORTANT:   Please complete and submit individual forms for each child

WHEN: THURSDAY 13th  February, 2020

TIME: 12.30pm - 3.30pm

WHERE: Manly Swim Centre

Students must wear their sports uniform including shoes and socks and their colour house t-shirt.  They are to wear swimmers under their uniform. This must be a one piece swimming costume for girls and no boardshorts for boys.

Swim cap
Sun screen
Water bottle
Healthy lunch

All students will travel to the venue by bus.  The bus will leave St Joseph's at 11.30am and return to school by 4.00pm. Please note the return time will not be in time for School buses.  You may choose to take your child home from the swim centre at the completion of the carnival.

The children will compete in the age group they are turning in 2020. For example if they turn 8 in 2020, they will compete in the 8yrs race. Please note: children cannot proceed to the Northern Beaches Carnival in an event unless they swim in the 50m race for that event. They must be at least 8 years old to attend the Northern Beaches Carnival.


Please also note there will be an entry fee for ALL spectators.

Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.

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First Name *
Surname *
Male or Female *
Class *
Age Turning in 2020 (this is the sport age needed for race entries and will be used for any swimmers selected for the Northern Beaches Carnival 2020) *
Colour House *
25m Freestyle (Open age - UNCONFIDENT Swimmers ONLY, this will be a race that starts in the water at the 25m point of the pool and children will swim 25m towards the shallow end)
Clear selection
Open 100m Freestyle (2 laps/2 x 50m) Under 8's-12 will swim together. Please note this will be the 1st event
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U8 50m Freestyle (born 2012)
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U9 50m Freestyle (born 2011)
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U10 50m Freestyle (born 2010)
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U11 50m Freestyle (born 2009)
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U12 50m Freestyle (born 2008)
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U8 50m Breaststroke (born 2012) *please note this race may be combined with the U9's due to numbers
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U9 50m Breaststroke (born 2011) *please note this race may be combined with the U8's due to numbers
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U10 50m Breaststroke (born 2010)
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U11 50m Breaststroke (born 2009)
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U12 50m Breaststroke (born 2008)
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U8 Backstroke (Born 2012,*please note this race may be combined with the U9's due to numbers)
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U9 Backstroke (Born 2011,*please note this race may be combined with the U8's due to numbers)
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U10 50m Backstroke (Born 2010)
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U11 50m Backstroke (born 2009)
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U12 50m Backstroke (born 2008)
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Junior 50m Butterfly( all swimmers U8,9,10 will race together as per PSSA rules)
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U11 50m Butterfly (born 2009)
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U 12 50m Butterfly (born 2008)
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Junior 200m Individual Medley U8,9,10's, (swimmers are expected to swim 50m of ALL 4 strokes; Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Freestyle
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Senior 200m Individual Medley, U11,12's (swimmers are expected to swim 50m of ALL 4 strokes; Butterfly, Backsroke, Breaststroke, Freestyle)
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I am able to assist at the swimming carnival; please meet with Mrs Frost at the Manly Swim Centre at 12 noon sharp where a job will be  allocated to you for the afternoon. Jobs include; starter,marshal, timing, judging, scoring, ribbons and pool deck. These events do not run without parental support. *
I give permission for my child to attend the School Swimming Carnival *
Name of parent/carer giving permission for their child to attend the excursion *
I understand my child will be travelling to and from the venue by bus *
I give permission for my  child to travel to the venue by bus and I will transport my child home after the carnival *
Emergency contact information - parent/carer name *
Emergency contact information - mobile / telephone *
Ventolin - my child will require their ventolin with them during the event *
Medical Information- Is your child on any prescribed medication(s) which would be required to be continued during the excursion?  If yes, please provide name of medication, dosage and time to be taken
Request to Administer Medication -If your child requires medication on the excursion, have you provided the school office with a completed Request to Administer Medication form?
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Does your child have any allergies (e.g. insect bites, food)
Is there any other information you would like to give which, in your view, may affect your child's participation in the excursion?
Any other information eg. preference of helpers job.
Date *
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