Call for Presenter Applications: 2016 Arizona Problem Solving Courts Conference
The Arizona Association of Drug Court Professionals (AADCP), in partnership with the ASU Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy, is pleased to announce the Call for Presenters for the 2016 Annual Problem Solving Conference: All Rise for Solutions to be held April 25-27, 2016, at the Prescott Resort in Prescott, Arizona.  Our goal is to provide attendees with workshop opportunities that are skill-building, increase their competencies, and focus on implementing research into practice, while also encompassing the spirit of this year’s conference theme.

The conference will feature 90 minute workshops in the following tracks:

Behavioral Health Treatment & Support
Juveniles & Young Adults
DUI and/or Drug Court, and
Core Principles

We encourage potential presenters to consider workshops that help attendees complete hours applicable to their licensure requirements for ethics and cultural competency. We hope to have options for this throughout the conference in more than one of our identified tracks. When submitting your proposal, please indicate if your workshop will include relevant information regarding cultural competency or ethics.

Submission Guidelines:

When submitting your workshop proposals, please include the following:

Workshop Title
Workshop Description (Abstract)
Learning Objectives
Presenter Information - Name(s), Title, Agency, Address, Email and Phone Number
Primary Contact for the workshop (if more than one presenter)

If your proposal includes more than one presenter, only one presenter will receive a complementary conference registration; up to two additional presenters may attend the conference at a reduced registration fee (upon request).  

Registration: All presenters must register for the conference.  Additionally, all travel and lodging expenses related to presenting at the conference are the responsibility of each member. Application deadline is 5:00 pm (Mountain Standard Time) on Friday, January 1, 2016.  Lead presenters will be notified of their presentation status on or prior to Friday, January 15, 2016.

Audience Profile: Presentations will be addressed to judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, probation officers, parole officers, law enforcement, social workers, behavioral health professionals and paraprofessionals, treatment providers, community advocates, alumni/participants, government officials, Veteran Affairs, Native American Tribal communities, educators, and students.
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Full Name of Lead Presenter: *
Organization: *
Title: *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Email Address *
Name, Title, and Organization of Additional Presenters (up to 2 additional presenters may be entered)
Key topic areas covered by proposed presentation:
Title of Proposed Presentation: *
Session Abstract (100-125-word description of your presentation): *
Session Learning Objectives *
Target Audience *
Lead Presenter Bio (75-125 word biography, not CV): *
Additional Presenter Bios (remember: the maximum number of total presenters is 3)
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