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Métis Access to Post-Secondary Support Application Form
Thank you for signing up for the MAPS program and access to the RECC room. Please complete all questions to gain access to supports and resources through  Rupertsland Institute  . If you have any questions or comments we have provided a space at the end of the sign up sheet. 
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Email *
How do you prefer to be contacted? *
Phone Number (Optional)
Students Name:  *
Is the student or a parent of the student a Citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta? *
If you answered yes, please provide Citizenship number of the learner or parent *
Did you self identify when registering for school?  *
What supports would you like to receive help or more information with? Please check all boxes that apply. 

Which Otipemisiwak Métis Government District are you from? (1-22)
See link and/or picture below for reference.
Captionless Image
If you are in grade 12, have you applied for Post-Secondary studies in Fall 2024 or Winter 2025?
What high school are you currently attending?
Which grade is the student enrolled in for the 2023/2024 school year?
The student is registered Rupertsland Métis Student Association The student must be registered in order to be eligible to access supports.
The student registered and has a RECC ROOM account. The RECC ROOM is a place where students and teachers can learn more about community and cultural events along with additional educational supports. 
If you require support with a Graphic calculator, Laptop or Tutoring. Make sure you are registered with the RECC Room and fill out this form. 
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