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Freedom Area Hall of Fame - Nomination Form

* Anyone can submit one or more nominees to the Freedom Area Hall of Fame.

* The Foundation strives to look at success from a variety of perspectives, and to promote the efforts of those who have excelled in a variety of fields.

* Our objective is to select candidates who will serve as positive examples for current Freedom students and who have had outstanding accomplishments in one or more of the following areas:  Sports, the Arts, Business/Professionally, Academically, Community Service and/or through their Leadership Ability.

* Requirements for membership in the Freedom Area Hall of Fame include those persons who are graduates of the Freedom Area School District, current or past employees of the district, or residents of the community.  They must have graduated from high school at least twelve years prior to the date of installation.

* Nominations can be submitted at any time for consideration by the FAEF Board of Trustees.

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