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Jet Wag Animal Rescue Foster Application
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Email *
Your Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Cell Phone Number *
How long have you resided at your current address? *
Do you rent or own your home? *
If you rent, what is your landlord's full name and  phone number?
What is the full name and phone number for your apartment complex, condo association, or HOA? (If none, type "none"). *
What is the name of the dog you are interested in fostering (optional)?
What type of dog are you looking to foster (age, breed, gender, size etc)? Please be as specific as possible so we can find you a good match. *
Do you have a fenced backyard? If yes, how high is the fence? *
Do you have a swimming pool? If yes, is it enclosed? *
Please list two personal references (full name, phone number, and relationship to you). These CANNOT be family members. Please contact these individuals and let them know someone from the rescue may be contacting them. *
Please list all members of your household including full name if 18+, age, and occupation. *
Has anyone in the household been convicted of a felony? If yes, please explain. *
Does anyone in the household smoke? *
Are you mentally and physically able to care for a dog? This includes feeding, exercising, bathing,  and taking them to vet visits. *
Who will be responsible for caring for your foster dog? *
How many hours per day will the foster dog be left home alone? *
How do you plan to exercise your foster dog? *
Where will your foster dog sleep? *
Where will your foster dog spend time during the day? *
Describe any behaviors you would consider unacceptable in your foster dog. *
Do you have other pets in the household? If yes, please list species, breed, age, weight, activity level, and whether they are spayed/neutered. *
Please provide the name and phone number for your veterinarian.  Please call your vet and give them permission to release records to a representative of Jet Wag Animal Rescue. *
By signing below, I confirm that the information in this form is truthful and complete.  I consent to a home visit (in person or virtually), background check, vet check, and interview with a representative of the rescue. By fostering a dog through Jet Wag Animal Rescue, I agree that I am willing to care for this dog until adopted and provide proper food, water, shelter, and exercise. I understand that if I am found to be not upholding all aspects of this agreement, the rescue reserves the right to seize the dog if it is in the dog's best interest.  I also understand that if the placement is not working out, I am to contact the rescue to have the dog placed in a new foster home, which could take up to a week to find, and may not rehome or relocate the dog without permission from Jet Wag Animal Rescue. *
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