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CMX Summit 2023 Speaker Application
Want to become a speaker at CMX Summit 2023? We're looking for thought leaders who can share new content, concepts, and solutions to empower community professionals all across the globe. Share what you have in mind and apply! We are looking for speakers to not only share their knowledge but to also facilitate conversations within the audience both virtually and in person at Summit taking place from October 4-5, 2023 in Redwood City, California.
Please note that chosen speakers presenting in person will receive two free tickets to Summit but will need to cover their travel costs (hotel, flights, transportation, etc). 

Speaker applications will close on June 9th.
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Job Title (if applicable)
Company (if applicable) 
Your LinkedIn Profile (Optional)
Speaker Bio (3-6 sentences) 
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