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Waddle Request
Spread some Pennell love by sending a waddle to your favorite penguin! We will deliver 8 penguins and a "You've Been Waddled" sign to the receipient of your choosing. A birthday sign is also available, as requested. Penguins will waddle into the yard at night, so they will be there for the following day. They will stay for 24 hours before being picked up. We will do our best to accommodate all date requests, but can not make guarantees. After completing the form, you will hear from our waddle committee to confirm your date. Please wait to submit payment until confirmation. Email with any questions. Happy Waddling!
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Email *
Customer name *
Customer phone number & email *
Person being waddled *
Address of person being waddled  *
Date requested (enter the night you would like the penguins to arrive; no guarantees on requested date) *
**Upon confirmation of your date, submit payment to the PTO's Venmo account @Pennell-PTO upon order being placed; please include note indicating that you are paying for waddling. PLEASE WAIT FOR CONFIRMATION TO PAY!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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