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WAMH Excellence Scholarship Application
The WAMH Excellence Scholarship is designed to provide educational opportunities for people working in MH and looking to add to their educational background.  Educational opportunities will vary from quarter to quarter. Check back frequently for upcoming opportunities.

WAMH is partnering with MHI, in conjunction with the Manufactured Housing Educational Institute, to provide a complimentary registration to any of the online training programs available through Manufactured Housing Educational Institute.  There are a total of 38 different courses that the recipient can choose from.  These courses cover installation training, an Accredited Community Manager training program course and a Professional Housing Consultant course. Information on these programs can be found at

Please complete this application to the best of your ability and make sure to include any personal details you feel make you a great candidate to receive the WAMH Excellence Scholarship.  We want to learn about you, what you do in the industry and how this program will help you be more successful in your current or future role within your company.  

You must be 18 to apply and work in manufactured housing or related industry to be an eligible recipient.  All people that fit that criteria are welcome to apply.  We do not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or nationality.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Birthdate *
Mailing Address *
Phone Number *
Do you work in Manufactured Housing or related industry? *
What company do you work for currently?  Give a quick description of your job title and daily duties.
How long have you been at your current place of employment?
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How long have you been in Manufactured Housing or Related Industry? *
Were you aware that there was industry specific training available to you before hearing about this scholarship?
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If chosen for this scholarship, what course would you be most interested in and why?  
Information on the course details can be found at
Write a short essay about yourself so we can get to know you better.  You can include anything you would like including professional or personal background, family, favorite hobbies, or maybe even the weirdest or funniest or most rewarding story you have from working within manufactured housing.    *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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