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LangDorm Application
Let us know if you have any questions! Due Saturday, January 25 at 11:59PM. 
Name *
Pronouns *
Phone Number *
NetID *
Year *
Majors/Minors (it's okay if you're unsure!) *
Where do you call home? *
How did you hear about LangDorm? *
What Rush events did you attend?  *
Name at least 2 LD members you met during Rush and something about them that stood out to you! *
Name at least 2 LD members you'd like to get to know more and why! *
What languages do you speak, and what languages would you learn if you had an infinite amount of time?  *
Are you taking a language/language-related class at Duke?  *
Why is it important to you to include language and culture exploration in your Duke experience? (at least 2-3 sentences) *
Why would you be a good fit for LangDorm? (at least 2-3 sentences) *
What do you hope to get out of joining LD? (at least 2-3 sentences) *
If you had to put on an event for LD, what would it be?  *
Write us a short poem about anything!
Headshot! (This is just so we can remember who you are :) ) 
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Do you understand that by filling this application out, you are committing to living in Crowell BB next year if you're accepted? (sorry we have to use our serious voice)
If you would like to bring an out-of-LangDorm roommate to live in-section with you, please add their name and NetID (this is also binding if you're accepted, so make sure you talk it through with your roommate!). 
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