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Mental health support for young people: Your views
This short survey is an opportunity to give your views on mental health support for young people living in Bristol West. You are welcome to submit your views anonymously. This data will be not be used for any other purpose than to compile an anonymised report of experiences of my constituents.

If would like to leave your contact details, I will use this to update you on my work in this area. I will not use these personal details for any other purpose.

If you would like me to take up casework on your behalf, please send me an email:
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How old are you?
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Are you a parent or carer?
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Would you support the following measures to improve mental health provision? *
Is there anything else you would like to say about mental health services in the Bristol area?
OPTIONAL: If you would like to receive updates on my work in this area, please add your email address.
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