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Email *
What period? *
Name (first, Last) *
Partners Name (first, Last)
if you did it alone, leave blank
Email / Contact Information: Person #1 *
Include an email address that you check daily.
Email / Contact Information: Person #2
Include an email address that you check daily.  if you did it alone, leave blank
Capstone Reflection *
Cut and paste your capstone reflection google document. You can make your link private so that only I (, can see it, but make sure to "share" it with me.
Youtube / google drive *
Cut and paste your youtube link here. Make sure your names ARE NOT on the video project. You can make your link private so that only I (mrmatheng) can see it, but make sure to "share" it with me.
Tagging on Youtube *
Did you tag "mrmatheng" "Savanna High School" and "AP Stats 23-24" ???
How difficult did you find the project? *
Super Challenging
What was the most CHALLENGING part of the project? *
What was the most EASIEST part of the project? *
Project Suggestions *
If you had to do this project again: what would you change about your project? (Ex. Start earlier, more time, different partner, different topic, etc. It's ok to writing "nothing")
Anything else? *
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