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Playgroups Sign-Up 🎈✨
Here at Dream Big, we believe that ALL children benefit from inclusive friendships! We know that play is the greatest way to learn empathy and resilience. 😊

Starting on April 3rd, all 5 of our locations will offer Inclusive Play Groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays! You and your child will take part in lots of fun, circle time, crafts, creative interaction, and more.🎨

AM Session: 9:30 am - 11:30 am OR PM Session: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Tuesdays & Thursdays
6 Week
Total Cost is $80.00

It will be max 5 children per location. 

Interested in having your child (ages 2-5) learn and grow through play? 🎈

Please fill out this form and we will send you a confirmation form for payment.👇
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Where would you like to play? Choose a center: *
What is your name? *
Child's Name: *
Child's Age: *
What is the best phone number to reach you? *
The price of the Play Groups is $80. How would you like to pay? *
If you selected Venmo, please put your Venmo handle below:
Would you prefer an AM or PM session? *
Our hope is to build relationships. We ask that you commit to bringing your child consistently to their scheduled playtime. Also, please note that these are parent/child sessions. Does this work for you?   *
Any additional comments/feedback? We would love to hear from you!
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