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Double Degree in Law and Liberal Arts & Sciences
Registration for the entrance exam: Inleiding Privaatrecht (Winter 2025)
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1. Name: *
2. Surname: *
3. Student's number: *
4. e-mail address: *
6. Have you passed the entrance exam on Inleiding Publiekrecht? *
** If your answer to the previous question was YES, mention the date when you took the exam. Please skip the rest of the questions and submit this form.
** If your answer to the previous question was NO, continue to the next question.
8. Did you earn your high school diploma in the Netherlands?
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9. If not, indicate in which country you earned your high school diploma:
10. Indicate your UCU major (specify your tracks): *
11. How many law courses have you completed? *
12. List the law courses you are currently doing.
13. Have you completed a 300 level law course?If so , which one?
14. Briefly outline the motivation underlying your application:
What is current GPA (including first and second semester)? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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