2013 Brigade Sentiment Survey
Thanks for taking a moment to complete this Brigade Sentiment Survey. Your thoughts are critical in helping us to continue to evolve the program. By sharing your candid thoughts we’ll be in a better position to both meet your needs as well as contribute to the impact we are all working towards.

The survey should only take about 15 minutes. The responses are anonymous - and we appreciate your candid perspective about your experience with the Brigade.

We would appreciate receiving your responses by July 3rd.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!  We’ll communicate the results once they are compiled.

The Brigade Team

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About You
How long have you been with CfA Brigade *
How would you rate your participation in the CfA Brigade? *
(scale of 1 - 5; 1 = not involved, 5 = very involved)
In which Brigade city do you participate? *
Are you a Brigade Captain? *
Are you in government? *
Is there an active brigade where you live? *
What personal outcomes are you most interested in achieving through the CfA Brigade?
What city/community outcomes are you most interested in contributing to via the CfA Brigade?
About the Program
How impactful has the CfA Brigade been in your city? *
(scale of 1 - 5; not impactful - very impactful)
Which of the following impacts have been most significant?   *
What aspect of your work has been most responsible for driving these impacts? *
If you could identify one thing the CfA Brigade could do to be more impactful in your city, what would that be?
How would you rate the participation of city staff in the efforts sponsored by the CfA Brigade? *
(scale of 1-5; not active - very active)
About Support
Please rank order the value of each of the next 5 components of the CfA Brigade program in driving impact in your city.
Support for Local Events *
(scale 1-5, not important - very important)
Organizing of national events *
(scale 1-5; not important - very important)
Funding *
(scale 1-5; not important - very important)
Access to a network of like-minded volunteers *
(scale 1-5; not important - very important)
Resources & tools *
(scale 1-5; not important - very important)
What additional CfA Brigade support would be helpful to you and your efforts in your city? *
How would you rate the support from CfA Brigade staff? *
(scale 1-5; not supportive - very supportive)
What 3 words would you use to describe your experience in the CfA Brigade?
Overall, how satisfied are you with your participation in the CfA Brigade? *
(scale 1-5; not satisfied - very satisfied
Please comment on your overall satisfaction with your participation in the CfA Brigade.
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