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Application to stay with Dhammadharini Bhikkhuni Sangha
This form is for overnight visitors who are coming to the monastery or to the hermitage.
Please fill in all fields and return to us, or request a paper form.
Dhammadharini Monastery, 6791 Sturtevant Dr, Penngrove, California 94951 USA
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Your name *
Your home address *
Please include your street address, city, state, postal code, and country
Your email address *
Your phone number
Your web page or social media page if you would like to share it
What are the best ways to contact you? *
Check all that are good.
Your date of birth *
Your nationality (country or countries of citizenship) *
Your gender *
What gender pronouns may we use to refer to you? *
For example: she/her, they/them, he/him...
Welcoming people of all genders *

Dhammadharini welcomes people of all genders* to stay and practice with us. In support of our practice of Bhikkhuni Vinaya, which is at the heart of our community life, those who identify as men are housed in separate lodgings, and may not be alone in private with a bhikkhuni.

We request our visitors' support and understanding in helping all to feel welcome, including committing to a practice of learning and honoring people's preferred pronouns.

*”All genders” includes women, men, non-binary and intersex people, whether cisgender or transgender. 

For more information, you can check out Welcoming the Rainbow: A Guide to LGBTQIA+ Inclusion for Buddhists or follow the links below for specific questions.

What do all these terms like transgender and non-binary mean? 

What are preferred pronouns?

Welcome to let us know if you have any questions by filling in the "Other" option below
Location for your visit
The Dhammadharini Monastery is located at the rural edge of the San Francisco Bay Area. Dhammadharini's forest hermitage, Aranya Bodhi, is a 90 minute drive from the monastery, in coastal redwood forest.
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Have you visited a monastery before? *
Please provide details.
What meditation practice are you familiar with? *
Please provide details.
What are your intentions for this visit? *
For example: Meditation, study, supporting the Bhikkhuni Sangha
What type of service work is suitable for you? *

The voluntary goodwill service offerings of residents and visitors are an essential part of the support of the whole community, and we rely on these offerings for many aspects of our daily lives, especially those that the bhikkhunis are not able to do for themselves due to their precepts, including cooking, driving, and handling money.

Unlike at some other monasteries and centers, we do not currently have long term residential stewards who hold the responsibility for these things. That means we hope that even short term guests will come with a generous heart of being willing and happy to take responsibility in offering such services, to whatever extent they are able to do so.

During your visit, your lodgings and meals are freely offered as the gift of faithful donors to support you having this opportunity for exploration, learning and growth in the Buddha's Way. Your visit is also an opportunity for you to offer the most fundamental shared gift of your presence and your practice, together with your service. 

Please check all that you can comfortably do

Do you have a valid license to drive in California? *
Is there anything you would like to share about your comfort level with driving as a potential service offering during your stay?
Is there anything you would like to share about your comfort level with cooking as a potential service offering during your stay?
Are you interested in staying longer than one month? *
Two weeks is the minimum length of stay for all visitors, due to the need for a 5 day COVID safety quarantine on arrival. 
One month is the maximum length of stay for a first time visitor, with possibility to apply for extension of stay at the end of that time, subject to community review.
Are you interested in ordination? *
Are you interested in applying for any of the following positions or programs?
Check all that apply
Lay visitors, do you agree to abide by the 8 renunciate precepts, during your visit? *
Learn about the 8 precepts at this link
Monastic visitors, what is your highest ordination?
Type of ordination, date, place, and preceptor
Bhikkhuni and samaneri visitors, do you agree to abide by the Vinaya as it is understood and practised by our Dhammadharini Sangha during your visit?  *
This may include relinquishing the use of money for the time of your stay, among other things. See here for more information. Please feel free to inquire if you have any questions about this. 
Personal reference
If you are interested in ordination or a long term visit of more than one month, please give contact information for two persons, preferably teachers or mentors, who know you well.
Health Information: *
Please list any medical conditions that are important for us to be aware of.
Do you have insurance or financial means to provide for any needed medical care during your visit? *
Visitors (other than bhikkhunīs and sāmanerīs) should be able to look after their own medical needs, including obtaining medicine and special foods, transportation for medical appointments, and the financial ability to pay for medical care.
Have you been vaccinated for COVID-19?
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Life circumstances
Are there any recent circumstances in your life (e.g. loss of a loved one, illness, substance abuse, prolonged depression) or past history (e.g. serious attempt to take your life) that might affect your psychological or emotional well-being during your stay with us? What supports would be helpful to you as you work with these issues?
Dietary Restrictions
Please list any dietary restrictions that are important for us to be aware of. The Dhammadharini Sangha follows the practice accepting the food that is offered, including meat and dairy products. We have been able to support individuals who follow vegetarian, vegan, or gluten-free diets in the past, but visitors (other than bhikkhunīs and sāmanerīs) with other special diets  may need to be responsible for providing their own food items.
Emergency Contact Details *
Please give the name of a person to contact in case of emergency, their relationship to you, and their contact information
When do you hope to visit? *
Please include specific dates if possible. If you're not sure yet, please let us know an approximate date range, as well as how long a stay you are requesting.
Two weeks is the minimum length of stay for all visitors, due to the need for a 5 day COVID safety quarantine on arrival. 
One month is the maximum length of stay for a first time visitor, with possibility to apply for extension of stay at the end of that time, subject to community review.
Cancellation policy *

Dhammadharini is a small community that relies on the voluntary gifts of service offered by our visitors, in integration with our residents, which supports many aspects of our daily lives together, especially for those tasks that the bhikkhunis are not able to do for themselves due to their precepts. Last-minute visitor cancellations and changes of schedule have a significant impact on our lives, as well as impacting others’ opportunities to visit. We ask for your kindness and understanding. Please take this into consideration when you make your plans. Select “Agree” below to indicate that you understand and agree to the following:

- I commit to staying through the whole length of my scheduled visit, except in case of emergency, or if asked to leave earlier by the community

- If I need to cancel or change the dates of my scheduled visit, I agree to give notice of the change to the Dhammadharini community at least two weeks before my planned arrival date if possible

How will you be traveling?
We'll send driving directions or suggested bus itinerary.
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By agreeing, I acknowledge and agree to the following: *
Dhammadhrini Monastery and the Aranya Bodhi Hermitage, a project of Dhammadharini, are places for meditation and contemplative retreat. Our visitors, volunteers and monastic members participate in voluntary activities designed to enrich the retreat experience. These services and voluntary activities may include, without limitation, the provision of food, lodging and transportation, as well as activities often associated with camping and the outdoors. They may also participate in cooking, construction and maintenance of buildings and grounds, including the use of cleaning products, lifting, climbing, digging, and other strenuous physical activities. They may engage in silent, intensive meditation, and may experience intense and unusual psychological, spiritual, and/or physical states arising from meditation. While Dhammadharini will endeavor to assure the safety of its members, visitors and volunteers, there are unavoidable risks of injury – and even death – associated with a wilderness hermitage, such as Aranya Bodhi, and its related services and activities. Consequently, a properly executed Release of Liability is required before anyone may visit Aranya Bodhi Hermitage for an overnight visit or a one-day work-service visit. As they may be engaged in work activities with power tools, ladders, cleaning products and other potentially dangerous objects and activities, a release of liability is also required for Dhammadharini Monastery. Such a Release of Liability is set forth below. You are encouraged to consult an attorney if you have any questions about the meaning of this document. If you have any questions about the services or activities provided at Aranya Bodhi, you should contact Dhammadharini at (707) 583-9522, Agreement: By agreeing, I acknowledge and agree to the following: 1. I have read and understand the risks summarized above and acknowledge that the activities in which I may engage can be dangerous and can involve risk of serious injury or death. I also acknowledge that not all potential risks associated with Dhammadharini activities or services are listed herein but are reasonably foreseeable; 2. I understand that my participation in Dhammadharini activities and receipt of Dhammadharini services is voluntary and I may decline to participate in any activity or service offered. I further understand that it is my obligation and responsibility to continually look out for any conditions or circumstances that may be unsafe. If at any time I feel anything to be unsafe, I will immediately notify a Dhammadharini official and, if necessary, immediately leave the area or stop participating in the event which I feel may be unsafe; 3. I understand that in order to participate in certain offsite Dhammadharini activities I may be transported in a licensed, insured vehicle of the Dhammadharini Support Foundation or in some instances a privately owned vehicle; 4. I understand that in the case of a medical need not requiring onsite emergency medical treatment I may be transported in a licensed, insured vehicle of the Dhammadharini Support Foundation or in some instances a privately owned vehicle; 5. In consideration of attending the Dhammadharini Monastery and/or Aranya Bodhi Hermitage as a, visitor, volunteer, or monastic member I expressly assume the risks of such attendance. Further, for myself and on behalf of my executors, administrators and heirs, I release and hold the Dhammadharini Support Foundation, including its trustees, officers, employees, agents and volunteers, as well as the owner of the property used by Aranya Bodhi Hermitage, harmless from any and all claims, suits or liability arising in any way from my attendance at the Dhammadharini Monastery and/or Aranya Bodhi Hermitage for injury to my person or property or my death caused by the negligence of these entities and/or individuals to the fullest extent allowed by law, it being the intention of the parties for this release to be as broad and inclusive as allowed by law; 6. In consideration of my child’s or ward’s attendance at the Dhammadharini Monastery and/or Aranya Bodhi Hermitage as a visitor or volunteer, I, for myself and on behalf of my minor child or ward and his or her executors, administrators and heirs, give permission to my minor child or ward to participate in any of the activities offered at such hermitage, and release and hold the Dhammadharini Support Foundation, including its trustees, officers, employees, agents and volunteers, as well as the owner of the property used by Aranya Bodhi Hermitage, harmless from any and all claims, suits or liability arising in any way from the child’s or ward’s attendance at the Dhammadharini Monastery and/or Aranya Bodhi Hermitage for injury to my child or ward or his or her property or his or her death caused by the negligence of these entities and/or individuals to the fullest extent allowed by law, it being the intention of the parties for this release to be as broad and inclusive as allowed by law.
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