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DBpedia PhD Symposium
We are proud to announce that we will kick off the DBpedia PhD program with a symposium on July 6, 2022. The symposium will be part of the Data Week Conference and take part in Leipzig.

submission deadline: May 29, 2022
notification deadline: June 3, 2022
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Name *
Affiliation *
Email *
Your PhD working title *
When do you started your PhD? *
Please add a description of your PhD topic (max 500 words) or the relevant part of your PhD you want to present (e.g. in relation to a paper). *
Please add your 2 most relevant publcations, if you have any.
Title of the talk to give at the DBpedia Symposium *
I would like to be part of the dedicated poster session during the breaks on 6th of July. *
If I get accepted, I will able to attend the PhD Symposium in Leipzig. *
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