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#WhyIVolunteer Story Collection
As programs ramp up for 2020, we believe it is imperative to highlight and properly thank the unsung heroes of our democracy. Volunteer service before, on and after Election Day help to ensure every eligible voter is able to cast a ballot. The Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Election Protection Team is launching a social media campaign called "#WhyIVote" in conjunction with #WhyIVolunteer as an opportunity to share stories around our communities voting and volunteer experiences.

Please consider answering the following questions so that we can consider uplifting your volunteer stories and experiences on the 866-OUR Vote website and social media platforms.

If you have any questions about the #WhyIVote/#WhyIVolunteer campaign or volunteering with Election Protection, please contact Chynna Baldwin at

Email *
First and Last Name *
Pronouns *
Where do you typically volunteer (city, state) *
In what ways have you volunteered to ensure your community has access to the ballot? *
Why would you recommend this volunteer opportunity to someone else? *
Why do you volunteer your time to ensure voter's have access to the ballot? *
What are the most persistent barriers to voting you have heard about while volunteering? *
Can you tell us about your professional and/or educational experience? *
Please share your twitter and Instagram handles if you would like to be tagged.
Is there anything else you would like readers to know about your experience and why you volunteer?
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