1st Quarter Reflection Graphics Technology Fall 2015
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When you ENTERED THIS CLASS, what was your level of understanding/experience with creating vector art in Adobe Illustrator? *
What did you know when you started this class?
I Knew Nothing About Illustrator
I WAS An Expert at Adobe Illustrator
Now here at the END OF 1st Quarter, what is your level of understanding/experience with creating vector art in Adobe Illustrator?
What do you know about illustrator now?
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What is your name? *
What is your website address? at weebly *
What tutorials/ guides were the best help for helping you to understand and gain a command of Adobe Illustrator?
What tutorials/guides/projects were the least helpful in gaining an understanding of Adobe Illustrator? *
Do you have any suggestion of projects you would like to do for the next quarter in Adobe Illustrator? *
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