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CSF Afterschool Tutoring - February/March - Subject Tutoring Requests
This is the form for all students that wish to be tutored in the following subjects, and would like a consistent 1-on-1 tutor. If you simply want to drop in for a day or two, then you do not need to fill this out. NOTE: Honors/AP subjects will NOT be tutored, but please loopmail Ashwat Chidambaram if you have any special requests.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Grade *
What is the primary subject you would like tutoring in? *
What is the secondary subject you would like tutoring in? (We will try our best to accommodate this.) *
What days are you available afterschool? *
Do you understand that you will get a 1-1 student tutor for the months of February and March? *
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