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Motoko Bootcamp (contributor registration)
Welcome to the Motoko Bootcamp! 👋

This event is a one-week training that will take place from January 16th to 22nd, 2023. 
It is a unique opportunity to get involved with the Internet Computer ecosystem, connect with other projects and share your experience. 

Thanks for considering to contribute. This event is community driven and open to participation. 
Fill out this form if you are interested to contribute (mentors, builders, marketing, organisation..)
For a list of available roles, see: Bootcamp Roles.

If you have any question, feel free to reach out!

⚠️ This form should only be filled by contributors. If you intend to participate as a student, see: Student Registration
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Acest formular a fost creat în domeniul Code and State. Raportează un abuz