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DRESSRITE - Social & Electronic Media Strategist Needed(Intern)

Interns will be mentored in achieving all the objectives mentioned below.

We are on the look out for expressive, talented and creative Business Development Personnel. You are expected to come up with unique social media strategies,contribute to existing plans,initiate business development strategies and implement the collective agreement of the team in such a way to enhance visibility and ROI. Please fill the form below and we will make contact if you meet our criteria.
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Your Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
You may enter multiple numbers, just separate them with a comma
 Location from where you intend coming to work? *
 What do you do at the moment? *
If you are a student,what is the name of your institution? *
Write 'NIL' if you are not a student.
What sort of work are you looking for ? *
Have you worked on any Social Media Projects?If yes,what was your designation? If No,write NIL
Be as detailed as possible
State the components of  Social Media Strategy?If you don't know,write NIL *
 Create a social media plan and content calendar .If you don't have,write NIL. *
Share link to what you created above via dropbox.
CREATIVE EXPRESSION : Create a sample content plan for an e-commerce platform in Nigeria.If you do not know how to create one,write NIL. *
Draw a plan for one week. Be as creative as possible - Share link via dropbox.
Explain how  a social media audit is carried out.?If you can't explain,write NIL. *
In order of preference,what are your top social media tools? *
From your perspective,what has been the impact of social media on Nigeria and the populace? *
Discuss in not more than 300 words;THE WORLD IS A GLOBAL VILLAGE *
What do you understand by the term e-COMMERCE? *
Rate your digital skills on - Understanding of Social Media *
Rate your graphic design skills *
Creative Exploration : How can you gain 5,000 Fans on Facebook in one day? *
Creative Exploration : How can you gain 1,000 Followers on Pinterest in one day? *
Creative Exploration : How can you gain 1,000 Followers on Instagram in one day? *
How much would you like to be paid monthly? *
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