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Please submit a PET INFORMATION form for each PET - This will require multiple submissions if you plan to have DSS by Kat care for all your pets/dogs.

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Customer Full Name *
Pets Name *
Pets Color / Distinguished marking/s
Pet/s Age/s D.O.B.
Microchip / Tattoo details *
Location, or Chip number if you know such info - otherwise enter 'NONE" here
Spayed / Neutered
Approximate weight
Pet Licensed
Describe your pets general temperament
Has this Pet been Boarded before *
Please describe this pets general physical condition.
Does your pet require any Special care? *
If No, please enter 'None" here.
How is your Pet/ dog socialized *
How often is your Pet/dog socialized? *
Be reassured - group play is supervised by our PET PROS.
Has your dog/cat ever been in a fight? *
If Yes, what were the cicumstances
this will not necessarily effect Pets acceptance to DSS by Kat - required for protection of all.
Does your dogs/cats behavior depend on the size, breed or gender of other dogs *
We often seperate play in accordance with pets size - unless they freely show acceptance of all sizes.
Might your dog/cat be an escape risk in a new enviroment?
Has he/she ever BOLTED1 We take pride in strict supervision during free group play and/or training - Secured play areas
Is your dog/cat, food or toy POSSESSIVE?
this helps us plan for feedings and play accordingly
Last question - Are there any other helpful behaviors or special notes you care to share?
e.g. Keep an eye on this....... may be difficult to walk on leash.... if In home care - hiding places (under bed) anything that comes to mind
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