2024 SuBLIM Sustainability Conference: Abstract Submission 
Thanks for your interest in participating in this year's Sustainable Business, Leadership, Innovation, and Management (SuBLIM) Sustainability Conference "Transformational Change in Uncertain Times". 

In a turbulent era of confounding poly-crises, business as usual is no longer economically viable - and transformative change is urgently needed. Innovation is at the heart of this transformational change, with industry, policy, and change makers playing vital roles in fostering a regenerative future. Though broad in framing, we particularly encourage submissions with clear and solution-oriented outcomes for equity, diversity, and inclusion. Attendees can expect interactive and thought provoking discussions, practical workshops, and community building. We welcome scholars from all sustainability-related disciplines.

We encourage submissions on topics related to:
  1. Sustainable business practices across industries and organization types
  2. Just and inclusive forms of alternative economies
  3. Social and environmental dimensions of sustainable business

Submissions will be accepted under two presentation formats:

Research Presentations: We want to hear all of the ways in which your work is contributing to knowledge creation and innovation for a resilient and prosperous future. The format for these research presentations is intended to maximize opportunities for both exposure to and conversation. This will be the primary presentation type. Presentations will take place in two stages:
  1. Presenters will provide a 3-5 minute lecture on their work to the main conference audience, using 1 slide.
  2. Following the series of presentations, speakers will proceed to concurrent breakout rooms, 55-minute follow-up panel with other presenters who work in complementary areas.

Special Session: Our conference seek to build strong links between research, practice, and policy through our special sessions. We encourage creative, novel, interactive, and collaborative approaches to knowledge generation and sharing - and welcome a range of creative ideas like problem labs, DIY makerspace activities, facilitated discussions, networking events, social activities, provocations, reading groups, artistic interventions, or mentorship/training. 

We particularly encourage submissions from leaders, change makers, and organizations from the public, private, non-profit, and community sectors - to share their current work. Special sessions will take place in two stages:
  1. Presenters will provide a 3-5 minute synopsis of their special session to the main conference audience, using 1 slide.
  2. Following the series of presentations, speakers will proceed to concurrent breakout rooms, where they will facilitate a 45-minute, interactive sessions.

Acceptance Criteria 
  • Relevance to sustainability, sustainable business, and transformative change
  • Significance and originality
  • Capability of the proposal to directly enhance the discourse within one or more of the thematic areas, at either a theoretical or practical level
  • Clarity, concision, and focus

This year's conference is generously sponsored by and held in partnership with the University of York's Department of Environment and Geography. We are pleased to share that participation is free for presenters to attend both days of the conference. Attendees can expect interactive and thought provoking discussions, practical workshops, and community building. We welcome scholars from all sustainability-related disciplines.

The 2024 Sustainability Conference will be hosted on 1-2 July 2024 at The Guildhall York

Submissions before 30 April 2024 are prioritized, though the submission will remain open until all positions are filled.

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Full Name
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Please provide a short bio about yourself (50 words)
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Title of Submission
Please provide a short abstract (under 300 words) for your proposal
Thank you for expressing your interest in participating in the 2024 SuBLIM Sustainability Conference. We look forward to seeing you there!
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