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College Democrats of America Disability Caucus Board Positions and Interview requests
Fill out the form and we will be in contact with you about having an interview
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First Name *
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Graduation Year *
Do you have a disability?
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What We Are Looking For In Board Positions Placements and Time Commitment
We are looking for those who are willing to learn and care about the disability community. It is important that these positions mean something to you and help you with your aspirations.

The board positions will be flexible in time commitment because it is college; however, we do ask that you at least dedicate 1 hour a week to your position. It's understandable to be busy, school work should come first, but please do make an effort to commit each week. This caucus is not here to cause you stress.
What position(s) are you interested in *
What experience have you had that would be relevant to this position? (If you do not, do not worry. It will not count against you.)
Is there anything you want to share with us? A defining moment in your life (especially related to disability), struggles you have faced/are facing, accomplishments, failures, so forth? (This is so we get to know you better as a person, again, not required though).
Why do you want this position? *
How do you think this position will help you in your life and development as a disabled person? *
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