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Stay in the Loop ๐ŸŒ€ย Restore Oakland HJ Trainings
Thanks for your interest in Restore Oakland Inc's Healing Justice work!ย 
We are committed to building our community's capacities to cultivate strong relationships, prevent harm, and practice accountability with one another. We envision a world where we all have the skills to care for each other and to navigate harm when it occurs.ย 

By providing sliding scaleย training opportunities for Oakland residents and by prioritizing Black, Brown, low-income, and systems-impacted Oaklanders, we aim to make these skills accessible to all.ย 

As soon as we begin planning our next training opportunity, we'll send you an email with an application and additional information. Stay tuned! ๐Ÿ’Œย 
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Email Address *
Where are you based? *
(Feel free to let us know if you're repping an organization or coalition)
Why are you interested in our Healing Justice training opportunities? Anything else you'd like to share with us?ย 
Thanks for staying in the loop about our Healing Justice work -- you'll be the first to know about upcoming trainings. We're excited to grow with you! ๐ŸŒฑ
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