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United Airlines questionnaire
How do United Airlines create America’s leading route network?
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What hub should United Airlines grow fastest at?
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For the question above, why do you think that?
Which of the US big 3 airlines has the best overall domestic route network
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Which of the US big 3 airlines has the best overall Transatlantic network (including their JV partners)?
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Which of the US big 3 airlines has the best overall Transpacific route network (including JV partners)?
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Which US airline hub do you think is best overall for serving as a transpacific gateway?
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For the above question, why do you think that?
Which US airline hub do you think is best overall for serving as a transatlantic gateway?
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For the above question, why do you think that?
What should be United Airlines' next new destination in Asia?
What should be United Airlines' next new destination in Europe?
If United Airlines were to resume flying to Africa, what should their first route be?
If there is one thing that United Airlines could do to make their network America's leading route network, what would it be?
Thank you for your time answering my questions!
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