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Dr Zhana Events Inquiry Form
Thank you for your interest in booking Dr. Zhana for one of your speaking / training events. Please complete this short form so we have a better idea of your event.
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Email *
What's the name and nature of your organization or group? (If you have a website and/or social media accounts, please provide them)
What's your name, and what's your role in this organization or group?
Where is your organization or group primarily located?
How did you hear about me?
What's the event you'd like to book me for? (Describe in as much detail as you think is relevant)
Suggested or fixed date/s for the event?
Is this an online or in-person event?
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Is this event just for members of your group/organization or open to the public?
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What best describes the type of teaching you'd like me to do?
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Which of these topics are you most interested in for this event? (Check multiple if relevant.)
How many attendees are you expecting, and what are their demographics?
Will you need our help marketing the event?
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What's your budget for my speaking fee?
By when do you need to know if I'm available for this event?
Anything else you'd like me to know about this event or your organization that will help me better understand how I could best serve you and your audience?
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